Monday, March 20, 2017

Rochers de Naye

Our second full day in Switzerland we took the train to the peak of Rochers de Naye mountain with Varun. It was a beautiful ride up. I loved being able to take the train everywhere on this trip. I get kind of motion sick riding backwards, which is inconvenient, but I think I would be able to get used to it over time. Most of the time we could find forward facing seats without an issue.
View from the train over Lake Geneva.

And again!

Looking down the ski hill from the topside train stop.

Outside a yurt.

Inside a yurt.

First attempt at cider

Nick and I decided to try brewing cider. The first batch is some real high-brow stuff: 3 gallons of apple juice from concentrate, straight up. It is burbling merrily away in the closet under the stairs. Check back in a month.

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Quilted foot pillow

I'm working on a super-secret quilted pillow cover present for <redacted>. Having never made a quilted pillow cover before, I decided to do a quick test run before I commit the real blocks. Brian needed a pillow with ties for his footstool so I whipped up a quick block and made it into a pillow cover following an envelope-backed pattern from crazy mom quilts. I just ad-libbed the ties. It worked great! I suspect I'll make quite a few of these because they're quick and fun and don't need binding, my least favorite step.