Sunday, December 14, 2014

Decade old Warhammer elves finished

I recently (re-)started painting miniatures after Tom introduced us to Warmachine/Hordes. Nick picked up the Legion of Everblight battlegroup and it all looked super fun, but I couldn't really justify buying a new set of minis to paint when I still have all my elves from high school. 

That's right, many moons ago Tiny Nell thought she would somehow acquire and paint an entire High Elf army for Warhammer. In the end, she assembled and partly painted about 20 minis before losing interest. We never played a single game. My little people languished in a box in the basement until I moved into a properly sized apartment and my mom evicted the last of my stuff. 

All my old paints were toast so anything requiring color matching had to be rebooted. I stripped all the half-painted heroes and chariots but decided to finish up the handful that had complete base coats. I read up on dry brushing and washes and used these fine little fellows to practice my technique.

Now, the problem with painting ancient little people who 1. you're never planning on sending into battle and 2. probably should have been stripped and repainted is: it's hard to know when you're done. Obviously, no one in their right mind would set up Brian's photolab to take shmancy images of unfinished, obsolete Warhammer figures. So... I guess that means they're complete. Yay!

The photo setup. Grass courtesy of Nick's Fibonnaci quilt extras, sky was another fabric scrap I had lying around. And here are my spearmen and archers all together, ready to rumble:
painted Warhammer high elves

painted Warhammer high elf bowmen

painted Warhammer high elf bowmen

painted Warhammer high elf spearmen

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